Recently I purchased famous Panasonic RF-2200 where only FM is working fine. So AM and SW need to repaired. I search online and it's due to aging capacitors that need to replace. Here is the list of capacitor that I purchased from ebay. If you don't want to purchased at ebay with higer price you can search individual capacitor from Aliexpress with cheaper price. 1 x 33uf 16v (c52) 2 x 47uf 16v (c167,c215) 7 x 100uf 10v (c51,c72,c180,c193,c57,c136,c179) 1 x 470uf 6.3v (c208) 1 x 220uf 6.3v (c192)(Replacement 10V) 1 x 2200uf 10v (c182) 4 x 10uf 16v (c203,c53,c144,c181) 1 x 4.7uf 35v (c162) (Replacement 50v) 3 x 0.1uf 50v (c24,c60,c61) 4 x 0.22uf 50v (c158,c143,c156,c160) 2 x 1uf 50v (c141,c168)
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