If you want to extend multiple VM's HDD drive in one go, below script is useful. I've extended 10 Windows VM's HDD in 4 minutes. Create below script in notepad and save as "extendhdd.ps1". At the same time create another text file and put all servers line by line. eg. in host.txt server1 server2 server3 So if you want to run the script, open your PowerCLI from one of the servers and put two files " ___extendhdd.ps1____ $GuestUser="domain\account" $GuestPassword="xxxx" $hosts = get-content hosts.txt foreach ($server in $hosts) { Get-HardDisk -vm $server | where {$_.Name -eq "Hard Disk 2"} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityKB 15728640 -Confirm:$false Invoke-VMScript -VM $server -ScriptText "ECHO RESCAN > F:\DiskPart.txt && ECHO SELECT Volume F >> F:\DiskPart.txt && ECHO EXTEND >> F:\DiskPart.txt && ECHO EXIT >> F:\DiskPart.txt && DiskP...
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